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After 63 hours of travel, I have officially made it to South Africa!! Praise God! It broke my heart leaving Guatemala, but I’m more than excited for ministry here in Africa! We left Guatemala on Tuesday, December 17th, and arrived in Durban, South Africa on Friday morning, December 20th. Travel day started at 6am on Tuesday, and we bussed 2 hours from Antigua to Guatemala City. Our first flight was only 3 hours from Guatemala City to Miami. We had a 6 hour layover in Miami, which was soo weird being in America for a few hours. We went to chickfila and felt all American before boarding a 14 hour flight from Miami to Qatar. This flight was pretty long and honestly stretched me a ton. They gave us really good meals though, and I finally overcame my fear of using the bathroom on the plane:) Landing in Qatar was a like a fever dream. If you don’t know, Qatar is in the Middle East. I had never been to the Middle East before, and it was crazy because nobody smiled, and there were Muslims everywhere. I didn’t know culture shock was such a real thing haha! We had a 12 hour layover here, and it was nighttime here for them, so we spent all night in the airport. Which honestly wasn’t bad! This airport was crazy. Apparently the Qatar airport is the second nicest airport in the world, so i had fun just walking around. In my head it was daytime, but I was pretty sleep deprived at this point (so I thought), that adjusting to the time difference didn’t bother me a whole lot. The next morning we had an 8 and a half hour flight from Qatar to Johannesburg. I slept this entire flight so it was super nice!! Once we landed, we got all of our bags and just hung out in the Johannesburg airport. Our squad is currently split up into three different teams during our time in South Africa, so we wanted to spend time altogether before we left each other for a month. Once we all said goodbye, my team got on a bus that night from Johannesburg to Durban. It was about an 8 hour bus ride through the night, so a lot of us just slept! Once we arrived in Durban (around 6am on the 20th), it was at this point that realized I was probably the most tired I had ever been in my entire life HAHA.

My team and I were greeted by a man named Leonard, who welcomed us so lovingly, and gave us tea and coffee. This man was truly just walking hospitality, and is so gentle and sweet. For about 6 days my team and I stayed at a place called Transhaven, which was a children’s home repurposed into a place for Circuit Rider teams and events. We had a lot of time to catch up on rest, go grocery shopping, spend time with each other, and celebrate Christmas! Transhaven was directly on the beach, so it was BEAUTIFUL. We stayed here until the 26th, and now we’re about an hour away from Transhaven at an orphanage called LIV Village! This place is amazing, and everyone is super friendly and welcoming! The staff here don’t like calling it an orphanage because they believe once they come to LIV, they’re family. They call it the Village, so that’s what I will be referring to it as I write this blog! We officially started ministry here at the Village, and it has been amazing! For two hours in the morning we have the Juniors (ages 1-12) and for two hours in the afternoon we have the Seniors (ages 12-18). We’re currently putting on a Holiday Club for the kids! We dance, play games, have a message or Bible study, and just hang out with them! Our day of ministry ends at 4pm, and my team and I come back to the barrack where we’re staying to make dinner and hang out together! I have loved every second of ministry here at LIV Village, and these kids have blessed me so much by just being themselves. They’re quick to point out anything about you, as I’ve been asked MANY times why I’m built so small. I just smile and say, “It’s just the way God made me!” These sweet kids are little troublemakers, but they’re precious, and I feel so blessed to be here. It’s crazy because I feel like I have definitely seen LIV Village in a dream or something! It’s so peaceful and beautiful here!

Leaving Guatemala was pretty difficult for me. I was truly so excited to make new memories and relationships in South Africa, but I was sad to leave the old ones. Debrief went so well for my squad and I! Our mentors and coaches flew to Guatemala to help disciple us through processing our past couple months of ministry. During our time of debriefing we had sessions, worship, and lots of time to just rest and have fun together as a squad. One of our last days in Guatemala, my mentor Alyssa and I were sitting in the park just talking and catching up. I was telling her some things that were going on in my life, when all of a sudden this man with rods and bandages on one of his legs from his knee down to his foot, comes limping up to us speaking Spanish. I looked this man in his eyes, and I understood what he was saying!! I was shocked because I only know the minimum of the basics in Spanish. It was 100% the Lord! The man told me he was hungry, and asked if we had any food to give him. I look down to the bench where we were sitting at the sandwich I hadn’t touched yet. Alyssa and I had gone to get lunch together because I told her by choice I hadn’t eaten yet that morning because I was spending extra time with the Lord. I was so hungry and my stomach was growling as I was talking with Alyssa, but as soon as I handed this man my sandwich, every ounce of hunger left my body. It was so obvious! It was 100% the Lord! This man was so grateful. Before he walked away, I asked him if I could pray over him and he gladly said yes. I turned to Alyssa after the man walked away and just started crying as that morning I had been praying to see God move through my life in ways that He had while He was on earth. God is so good guys, and never doubt what He wants to do through you! I never thought He would’ve used me in that way, but I’m so grateful He did. The rest of debrief God continued to do things I wasn’t expecting! Which grew my reliance on His character! I saw God work through my friends praying over people while we were just having fun walking the streets of Antigua. On our last night in Guatemala, two of my friends were just hanging out at McDonalds one night and ended up praying with a man who had accepted Jesus with them that night! Don’t underestimate what God can do through the unexpected! I grew so much in striving for a deeper dependence on the Lord, and relying on Him with every detail of my life.

I’m being honest, I battled a lot with the unexpected of traveling to Africa. Guatemala was “easy” in a lot of ways. Meaning, we stayed at an Adventures in Missions base, my team’s ministry was absolutely incredible, my entire squad was living together on base, we had ways to take transportation to the local towns, and the time difference was only an hour from my family. Life in Guatemala definitely grew and stretched me for sure, but I always had a slight feeling that it was going to be the easiest country on this trip. So during debrief I was trying to prepare myself for traveling to South Africa, but I couldn’t FULLY prepare myself without knowing what I was walking into. Which definitely took me a step further into deeper trust in God. Walking into South Africa I knew some of the things we’d be doing, but I had no idea what our ministry looked like, where we’d be living, and how it would effect my team and I. Yet, waking up on the first morning of our many hour travel day(s), God gave me such a peace. A kind of peace that reassured me that this wasn’t about me, and the same kids that left an impact on my life in Guatemala, were waiting for me in South Africa. I’ve always known deep down that God has been calling me to Africa, but I always made up excuses or put other things in front of the plan God has been trying to show me for years. I’m so grateful He has brought me to this beautiful country, and I can’t wait to experience the unexpected in all He has for me here!

My team and I will be leaving LIV Village on January 3rd, and heading to a town called Kloof! We don’t know a whole lot about what we’re walking into, but we know will be working with youth/high school students. Please be praying for us as we go to this new place!

Fundraising update!! Wow guys. I truly can’t thank you enough for all the support you’ve shown to me. The Lord has brought in $16,730 leaving only $770! Thank you guys so much!!

I love you all so much! Happy New Year from South Africa!



9 responses to “I made it to South Africa!!”

  1. Ash girl! I am humbled by your faithfulness! I love you so much and am honored to be your mama! God is good! ❤️

  2. I got a bit of an update from Alden, but it is good to read the full story! I have been in the airport in Johannesburg numerous times in the past 6-7 years, and I think it is pretty good. I’d be curious to hear your comparison to the one in Qatar. You seem to think it is top notch? I am still praying with/for you, so thank you for the update!

  3. I am so happy with what God is doing in your life and what he will continue to do!
    We pray for you! 🫂

  4. Wow!!! Just wow!!! All of it is awesome, but my favorite part of your adventure so far is giving the man your sandwich, understanding his every word and your hunger diminished upon handing him the sandwich 🥪
    Amen sweet Ashley!!!

  5. I am so very humbled by you my sweet girl! I knew the day you were born you were destined to do great things!! You have and are achieving all that God has in store for you! So very proud to be your Nonna❤️

  6. I love you Ashley and miss you. But I am so happy, and relieved, to seeing you so happy while serving Jesus. I am relieved because you are so happy.
    Keep up the great work Ashley for what you’re doing. And keep smiling, just like you are, in all of the photos.
    Proud to be your Poppy.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your experience it truly brought tears to my eyes and warmth to my heart! May God continue to bless you and show you His goodness! We miss you

  8. So VERY proud of you, Ashley! You are experiencing and living out your faith in such deep and profound ways. We are praying for you and for all the ways HE wants to continue working through you and IN you!!
    PS- from his experience, Pst Jason says you should be sure to try biltong and monkey gland steak! 😃

  9. I found it! If I didn’t have a 1,000 emails all the time maybe it wouldn’t get lost in there lol! So you survived the long haul to the other side of the world! Good for you haha! May the Lord bless you and keep you my friend. I’m reading this in my devotion time before work and your experience with that man and that sandwich has truly brought me to tears. What a blessing to be the hands and feet of God. Thank you for the challenge this morning! Looking forward to the next update.